- Platon Kostyuk Award 2018, which is provided by the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Inc (New York, USA: and Kostyuk Foundation, 20 December 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine.

- Diploma of Laureate of Kyiv City Mayor Prize (Vitali V. Klitschko) for special achievements of youth in the development of the capital of Ukraine – Hero-City of Kyiv, 24 June 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine.

- Diploma for the Best Poster Presentation Participation in the XI International Conference “Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms”, 12-16 September 2016, Odessa, Ukraine.

- Diploma for the Best Poster Presentation of Participation in the “VI Meeting of Ukrainian Biophysical Society”, 28-30 May 2015, Luts’k-Svityaz, Ukraine.

- The 1st prize award from the Scientific Council of the IMBG of NAS of Ukraine for the best PhD thesis report on the “VII Young Scientist Conference”, 28-29 May 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine.